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Garten of Banban 4

Garten of Banban 4
Garten of Banban 4
Adventure Puzzle

Developer: Euphoric Brothers Games
os: Android IOS
size: 208M
updated: Aug 22, 2023




The yellow school bus rattled like a tin can down the deserted road, kicking up plumes of dust in its wake. You clung to the chipped leather seat, knuckles white, heart hammering against your ribs like a trapped bird. Beside you, the faded crayon drawings on the window whispered forgotten names: Tommy, Susie, giggles echoing in vacant hallways. The Kindergarten, once a symphony of childhood joy, now loomed in the distance, a silent monolith against the bruised purple sky.

Memories flickered – a birthday piñata overflowing with candy, the clatter of crayons on linoleum, a chorus of "Happy Birthday" sung off-key but with hearts full of sunshine. Then, the shift. An absence. Empty swings swaying in the wind. An abandoned toy box overflowing with broken dreams. Your little one, lost within the cold, concrete embrace of the now-deserted building.

The bus shuddered to a stop, hissing its last breath like a deflating balloon. You stepped out, the air thick with the cloying sweetness of overripe fruit and something else, metallic and vaguely unsettling. The Kindergarten seemed to watch you, its windows like empty eyes reflecting the dying sun. Shadows stretched like twisted limbs from the playground, the jungle gym a skeletal silhouette against the fading light.

Taking a deep breath, you hefted your backpack, the weight of urgency pressing down on you. A crumpled note, scribbled in your child's hand, clutched in your palm. "Help me," it pleaded, the ink smeared with tears. Fear gnawed at you, but the love for your child was a fire in your chest, blazing brighter than the shadows creeping at the edges of your vision.

Pushing open the heavy oak doors, you were greeted by an unsettling silence. Dust motes danced in the shafts of sunlight piercing the gloom, settling on forgotten toys and overturned desks. The air hung heavy, thick with the smell of mildew and something else, something faintly putrid. A creak echoed from down the hallway, a slow, deliberate sound that sent chills down your spine.

Hesitantly, you stepped inside. The once familiar linoleum floor was scarred and cracked, walls adorned with childish murals now marred with dark, spidery scrawls. A toy train lay derailed, tracks twisted like tortured metal. A half-eaten lollipop, sticky and stained, clung to a broken table. Every shadow seemed to writhe with unseen movement, every whisper of wind carrying a faint, distorted giggle.

The Kindergarten you once knew was gone, replaced by a twisted mockery of its former self. This was something else, something sinister and lurking, a hungry maw waiting to consume the innocent. But within that darkness, a flicker of hope pulsed. A forgotten song echoed in the halls, a child's laugh, faint but defiant. And there, at the end of the corridor, a single door stood ajar, beckoning you into the unknown. With a final, steadying breath, you stepped forward, into the heart of the nightmare, armed only with love and the desperate hope of finding your child. The hunt for your little one had only just begun.


How To Play

The playground is eerily silent, the once joyful shouts replaced by the creak of floorboards and the rhythmic drip of unseen water. You stand at the threshold of Banban's Kindergarten, not a cheerful learning haven but a twisted labyrinth where childhood innocence has curdled into monstrous secrets. But within this darkness, your child awaits, and it's up to you to brave the terrors and bring them home.

Step One: Embrace the Stealth: Forget about charging in headfirst. Banban's Kindergarten is a spider's web of lurking dangers, best navigated with cautious steps and sharp senses. Learn the rhythm of the shadows, watch the way flickering lights dance across the halls, and listen for the telltale whispers of approaching creatures. Hug the walls, crouch behind overturned desks, and utilize ventilation shafts to bypass watchful eyes. Remember, sometimes the best offense is a well-timed disappearance.

Step Two: Befriend the Light: Though darkness reigns supreme, pockets of illumination pierce the gloom. Use flashlights and strategically placed light switches to your advantage. Not only will these illuminate your path, but they can also momentarily startle lurking enemies, offering precious escape seconds. However, be mindful, for some creatures are drawn to light like moths to a flame. Use their attraction against them, leading them into traps or blinding them for a decisive strike.

Step Three: Master the Tools of Survival: Scattered throughout the Kindergarten are tools left behind by previous explorers and desperate staff. Pry bars can force open locked doors, toy guns (loaded with rubber pellets, of course) can buy you time against smaller creatures, and cameras can document your discoveries and even trigger environmental puzzles. Each tool has its purpose, so learn their strengths and weaknesses and utilize them wisely. Remember, resourcefulness is your key to survival.

Step Four: Unravel the Mysteries: Banban's Kindergarten is shrouded in a thick fog of forgotten memories and unsettling truths. Scouring for hidden notes, listening to distorted audio logs, and piecing together faded murals will gradually reveal the chilling story behind the school's descent into darkness. Each unearthed clue is a shard of light in the abyss, guiding you closer to understanding the forces at play and potentially uncovering the means to defeat them.

Step Five: Face Your Fears: No hero's journey is complete without confronting their demons. As you delve deeper into the Kindergarten, you'll encounter monstrous incarnations of childhood fears: towering plush toys with gnashing teeth, distorted nursery rhyme creatures hungry for screams, and the ever-present, ever-watching Banban himself. Each encounter is a test of courage and skill. Learn their attack patterns, exploit their weaknesses, and don't let fear cloud your judgment. Remember, a steady hand and a brave heart can conquer even the most nightmarish foes.

Bonus Tip: Listen to the children's laughter. Though faint and distorted, it's a beacon of hope, a reminder that you're not alone in this twisted wonderland. Follow the echoes, for they may lead you to unexpected allies and hidden pathways.

In Garten of Banban 4, every step is a gamble, every decision a desperate bid for survival. But within the chilling embrace of the Kindergarten also lies the potential for hope, the chance to rewrite a twisted narrative and rescue the lost innocents trapped within its walls. So, take a deep breath, steel your nerves, and step into the darkness. Your child awaits, and the fate of Banban's Kindergarten rests in your hands.


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